30 min

New module: Elasticsearch - Search API


jOpdebeeck en robindh with support from Drupalteam at VDAB (the Flemish public employment service) and Cegeka

This module is based on an earlier version built by Cegeka. At VDAB we have to work with elastic and we have several sites that all need different search configuration.



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Session track

Code & Development

Building Google like search experiences without busting the bank

The problem

Site visitors expect to find the information they are looking for within seconds. Besides a good information architecture, and top tasks, it is important that the search experience is built in such a way that site visitors expect. 

They have become used to a google like search experience, a traditional keyword-based search doesn’t cut the deal anymore. 

People don’t simply search for information; they are looking for an answer for their problem. We must switch to a problem-based search instead of keyword based.



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Session track

Code & Development

Enhancing Drupal's media library

Drupal ships with a media library out of the box.

The core media library is designed to be a plug and play media solution that fits a lot of use cases.

In this talk we'll take a stab at improving the editor experience by leveraging contrib modules such as dropzonejs, entity browser, google vision, and search api.

Session video:



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Session track

User experience

Using Factory pattern to reduce code complexity.

Lot of if and else can increase code complexity.

It in turn also decreases readability.

We can create an App Factory which churns out Factory instances.

These instances are specific classes which can have own set of methods with different functionality inside.

For common code there is a base which can handle that thus helping with code duplication.



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Embed just about anything onto your website with Embedly!

Core's media provides limited options to embed Media from external sources.

Though there are a lot still we miss out on some.

Here we discuss how to extend core's media:

  • Creating custom Media Source
  • Creating custom Media Formatter
  • Creating a custom Media Widget
  • Using external embedding services such as Embedly to embed just about anything. Even content which does not support Oembed can be embedded.
  • Embedding content in a secure way.
  • And some code examples.



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Being Open about Being Human

Mental health disorders affect millions of people around the world, and have a big impact both on employees and the companies they work for. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma around the topic, and many people are not comfortable opening up about it.



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Modernize your hooks

About the session:

Hooks have existed in Drupal since its beginnings. In its evolution and up to version 7 (which continues to be the most used Drupal version according to statistics) hooks are the main way to interact with Core and “contrib” modules. 

With the release of Drupal 8, taking advantage of many of the Symfony framework components, the methods of altering and extending the Core and modules dispersed, namely: 



Experience level


Control the visibility of your content with Entity visibility preview

Topic introduction

Have you ever needed to display contents or parts of a content differently depending on the user categorization?

Have you ever needed to prepare contents or parts of a content for publication/depublication?

Have you ever needed to preview what your website will look depending on those visibility conditions?

There are some solutions:



Experience level


Contributing to Drupal - no experience needed!

In this session I will present the many ways that you can contribute to Drupal and the community. This will include code and non-code contributions.

In a nutshell, I will discuss:



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Automatic Updates for Drupal: How we built a secure signing infrastructure

In 2019, the Drupal Association lead an initiative to bring Automatic Updates to Drupal. The first phase of that work is complete, and a major part of that work was implementing a secure signing infrastructure for the update services being delivered by Drupal.org. Join us for a presentation about the architecture of this infrastructure.



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