Propose a session

We are pleased to announce our invitation for speakers for Drupal Dev Days Leuven 2025 on April 15th to 18th, 2025. When you are looking for exposure for your company or to become a field expert in a certain area, this is your opportunity to share your knowledge with our broad audience coming from the Drupal, Symfony & PHP community!

Please take some time to read the guidelines below, prior to submitting your proposal.

Picture of a Microphone, taken by Bram Driesen at Drupalcon Barcelona

Who can submit?
We invite novices, experts and everyone in between. We will be selecting proposals based on a variety of criteria, not only experience. The conference is targeted at Drupal, Symfony & PHP enthusiasts with varying skill sets, from beginners to more advanced users, so whether you want to cover the basics in your talk or dig out the ontological roots, we want to hear from you!

Is there a deadline for submissions?
Session proposals will be accepted until February 15th, 2025. What types of sessions are we looking for? Although our main focus is developers, we will consider presentations for all kinds of target audiences and are looking for sessions related to Drupal, website design, website development, project management, interesting projects and most anything else as long as there's a link with Drupal. We will very much welcome your deep-dive session about an advanced topic, but we are also very much looking for more high-level, introductory sessions regarding various Drupal topics, to help lower the Drupal learning curve.

How long is a session?
Sessions will be approximately 45 minutes including Q&A. There will be limited slots for short sessions of 20 minutes including Q&A.
In case you want your session to be longer, please contact us.

When will proposals be accepted?
We will be reviewing proposals as they come in. Some may be accepted before the deadline and others after. If accepted, it will be added to the official Drupal Dev Days schedule. The final schedule will be announced soon after the deadline on the Drupal Dev Days website.

Are there free tickets for speakers?
Selected sessions will get 1x free ticket, thus a talk with multiple co-speakers will only receive 1 free ticket.

Tips for submission:

  • Given the international character of this event, only sessions in English will be considered.
  • Provide as much detail as possible. Make it easy for the selection team to understand who you are and what you would like to do.
  • If your presentation has been given in the past, where and when.
  • If you are a newbie, be proud and let us know.
  • If you are looking for inspiration, visit our track description page to find information about what kinds of sessions we are looking for.

Make sure you are registered before submitting a proposal through the link on your profile page. If you already have an account from DrupalCamp Ghent 2018, Drupal Dev Days 2022, or DrupalCamp Ghent 2024 it will still work.


Register & submit session