
Decoupled Drupal - The holy grail! Or not!

Agreed, decoupled Drupal is awesome. It gives great opportunities to build multidevice, inviting and flexible frontends which are totally 2019! To be honest, it is great that Drupal finally took the leap. However, in my journey on creating rich internet platforms, websites and applications based on Drupal, I found out that decoupled Drupal is not (always) the holy grail. In fact, it can really turn out into a maintenance nightmare.

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Business & strategy

Is Pragmatic Functional Programming for PHP Devs Possible?

Functional programming is a paradigm with origins in lambda calculus and the 1930's. Stack Overflow's developer surveys from both 2017 and 2018 show that the languages optimized for functional programming are low in popularity. However, the same survey recognizes that developers actually working in Elixir, Clojure, F#, and Haskell, actually love their languages much more than PHP or C developers.

So functional programming is unpopular but fun!

Experience level
Session track
Code & Development

Introduction to Serverless

Serverless does not mean there are no servers; those are only just hidden from you. Scale with ease without provisioning server and without paying for this for real? Yes it is! Can Drupal also be part of a serverless architecure? You bet! Can Drupal itself run serverles? Maybe... After this talk you will understand why serverless architecture is great and you will be excited to create your own serverless solutions to make your life easier. And last but not's lot's of fun!

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The Myths, Musts and Migraines of Migrations

How often do you meet a new client that does not have a website yet? Practically every organisation has an online presence, often not Drupal, sometimes with lots of content that must not be left behind when a new site is built. In that case, a data migration is unavoidable.

Experience level
Session track
Code & Development

How to delight content editors with UX when building Drupal 8 websites

I would like to share some feature requests that have been made by content editors, digital marketers and project managers I have worked with on projects and ways that I have handled them. By sharing these experiences, my goal is to make us all more aware of the common requests and how we can better build Drupal 8 websites to delight these customers.

Experience level
Session track
User experience

Automate your life instead of your code

In this session on personal organisation I will talk about time management, task management, file management and tools for day-to-day use that simplify your life.

Experience level
Session track
Business & strategy