✏️ Sketch for designers and developers



Session track

Frontend & Design

Experience level



30 min

Sketch has brought about a small revolution in the world of digital design. In just a few years since its launch, Sketch has become an essential tool for designers alongside Illustrator and Photoshop.

I was an early adaptor and I’ve remained faithful to Sketch since I discovered it. I found it was easy to switch across from Illustrator to Sketch, because both work in terms of vectors. And Sketch has a bunch of plug-ins that make it the perfect tool for Internet design.

Sketch has always been really easy to use, but it has also evolved over the years so that its functionality is almost unlimited. In this talk I want to show you how Sketch works, and I’ll share a few tips with you for getting maximum productivity out of it.

We’ll look in some depth at how symbols, shared libraries, and element export work. Then I’ll show you how you can ensure consistency across the pages of your design as your project progresses. We’ll also cover a few interesting plug-ins that make life easier, not just for designers but also for front-end developers.