50 min

AI-Powered development using Copilot & ChatGPT

Title: "AI-Powered development using Copilot & ChatGPT"



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Symfony Mailer in Core: The Road Ahead

Drupal 10.2 added the symfony/mailer component as a composer dependency and a new experimental core mailer module is in the works. This talk will give an overview on the current state and the next steps.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Getting started with Drupal!

Are you new to Drupal and want to know how to get started? Then this session is for you.

We'll cover:

  • Getting up and running with a local Drupal installation
  • Create content in Drupal
  • Important Drupal concepts such as module, node, theme, entity, content type, taxonomy, etc.
  • Best ways to extend Drupal
  • Future of Drupal (and a little bit history)

See you there!



Experience level


Session track

Student track

Visual regression testing with BackstopJS

At VDAB we built a visual regression testing workflow on top of BackstopJS. This open source tool lets you compare screenshots over time of (parts of) your website or application so you can maintain, update and deploy your code ensuring the visual integrity remains unchanged.
In this talk I will show you how you can set up your own BackstopJS testing workflow with examples and some different approaches. But also how we at VDAB use it on a daily basis, and all the cool features we build into our workflow.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

Defend FOSS: From innovation to positive change, we need to remind the world what we're about.

Right now, proprietary systems and vendors are winning pitches in government and elsewhere that should be no-brainers for Open Source solutions. What comes next, and what do we have to do to make sure we can continue to make a positive difference with Open Source in the future?

Open Source technology, practices, and thinking have revolutionized how we innovate, collaborate, and do business. The impact goes beyond our daily work and paying our rent. Open source is everywhere; we won! But there's a downside.



Experience level


Session track

Business & strategy

Audience Experience: The “WHY” of Content Management

AX: where strategy becomes narrative.

In this content strategy session, we talk about Audience Experience — the intersection of content strategy and content management — and how to enable your clients (or yourself!) to



Experience level


Session track

Business & strategy

LocalGov Drupal: The publishing platform created by councils for councils

LocalGov Drupal has been growing quickly in Britain and Ireland as a platform for Local Authorities: so far 44 participating councils, and 16 suppliers, with even more using it.



Experience level


Session track


SPARC: simplifying energy management with Drupal

SPARC is an idea for optimizing self-consumption of electricity. During this session, we'll explore a possible solution for home energy management, designed to simplify the transition to renewable energy resources. The focus is on showcasing the use of Drupal in developing a semi-automation system that allocates energy usage without the need for expensive smart devices or vendor-specific cloud platforms.



Experience level


Session track

Code & Development

The genesis of generative grace

They seemed to come out of nowhere and were inescapable: the stories about 'Artificial Intelligence'. Wonder – or was it awe? – for what OpenAI's model is capable of, overtook critical reflection on what Large Language Models exactly do, on why we all started using them en masse, on why these astonishing applications were unleashed on the world right now, on how we can employ these developments properly.


Ben Caudron

Experience level


Session track

Business & strategy

Maximizing Performance in Headless Drupal

Join us for an in-depth exploration of performance optimization strategies tailored specifically for Headless Drupal deployments. This session delves into advanced techniques for enhancing performance, accessibility, and SEO, all within the context of Headless Drupal architecture. Through live demonstrations and real-world examples, attendees will gain practical insights into implementing best practices to elevate website performance.



Experience level


Session track

Frontend & Design