Buy your event tickets, official swag and tickets for some of the social events below through our Paydro shop. Note that tickets are tied to a name, and all attendees are required to bring a printed or electronic ticket to the event.
Student tickets
Student tickets are available at a reduced rate! Learn more about our student track and get a promo code to register.
Diversity tickets
We strive to make the Drupal Dev Days a diverse and welcoming environment for everyone. Trying to help the underrepresented groups in our community, we offer free tickets visitors in these groups with the hope of helping people to attend.
The ticket allows entry to the conference, full access to all sessions, access to the social activities during the event, and food. It does not include a t-shirt or hoodie and it does not include travel or accommodation expenses.
The first five tickets are generously sponsored by 3sign.
In order to apply, fill in the form that can be found here. The application will be open until March 15th. The information in that form will only be used to review eligibility for a free ticket. Receiving the ticket happens through a discount coupon for 100%, which will be sent via mail.
Administrative info
If requesting attendance to the conference within your company requires you to document our legal information, then look no further:
Organisation: Drupal User Group Belgium - DUG BE vzw
Address: Hellegat 33 9041 Oostakker
VAT: BE 0845.314.913
There is also this page if you need help convincing your boss or getting a visa.